
Stories of Twist Ties and Purslane

The smell of lavender greets my waking, aching body, as I will myself to crawl out of bed. Another day. 

Gifts from the garden, bringing comfort in the home.



So I finally resolved to spend some time to stretch last night.  Interestingly, it’s been a challenge being disciplined with stretching regularly.  ‘Twill do me good, I know!

This week the harvest was a bit smaller than what we’ve been having since Salad Box season started. But those boxes still ended up looking full and bounteous. Lots of leafy lettuces, chard, parsley, scallions, and—for the first time this season—beets! We also pulled the very first head of garlic out of the ground!  A momentous moment.  That’s the good, so good.

June 25th food

(Clockwise from L to R: garlic scapes, our first head of garlic, cilantro, Chioggia beet)

The bad? Twist tie troubles. Usually we count out ties corresponding to the number of bunches of something that we need before going out to harvest. This week as we were packing, we realized we were short on a number of different items. This was likely the result of one of two things: miscounting or losing twist ties.

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A Fresh Roots Adventure: Join Me

Boom, boom, boom–hole, drop, cover.

Seedling after seedling gets nestled into its newly prepped bed. Soil plugs in transplant trays spread into three staggered rows of tender young kale plants. The greenhouse was so safe and warm, but the time has come to thrust them into the “real world”.


This past Monday, we harvested 101 bunches of kale!  I think back to the time we transplanted these kale plants into this bed–they were just babies!  Now they have grown strong stalks and lusciously giant leaves. They grow up so fast, don’t they?

Seeding, transplanting, watering, weeding, waiting.  Life stages of a plant, life stages of a person.  

Hello there!

I love Amethyst radishes. (Photo by Scott Bell)

My name is Jenny, and, like our kale plants, I am being thrust into the “real world” of farming.  As one of this season’s Schoolyard Farm Interns, I have the privilege of experiencing first hand the aches, pains, and joys of what it takes to grow and share Good Food.

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Fresh Roots Potluck featured in Georgia Straight

The Georgia Straight has written a great article on 7 different ways you can support the Week to End Enbridge in Vancouver. Number 3. on the list is the Farmers Pull Together Potluck which we are co-hosting with the Young Agrarians.

“On June 18, Young Agrarians and Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society are putting on the Farmers for Pull Together Potluck at Vancouver Technical Secondary School (2600 East Broadway)”

Learn more here!


Farmers Pull Together Potluck and Social!

Young Agrarians and Fresh Roots are organizing a Farmers For Pull Together potluck and social! Join us to to support BC First Nations in their legal battles against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project. Bring something delicious to share, tools to eat with, and a $ donation of any size to contribute. Join the event on Facebook and invite your friends! All are welcome:)

WHERE: Fresh Roots Schoolyard Farm @ VanTech Secoundary School, 2600 East Broadway, east side of school beside tennis court

WHEN: Thursday, June 18th, 2015, 5-8pm

We are farmers calling on fellow farmers to support BC First Nations in their legal battles against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project.

WHY? On June 17, 2014, despite 98% of all public testimony to the National Energy Board hearings, opinion polls showing a consistent 2/3 majority opposed, and the threat of multiple lawsuits, the federal government went ahead and approved the Northern Gateway pipeline and tankers project, pushing an unwanted project on an unwilling province. A year later, we are pulling together grassroots support to help #stopendbridge.

Over 100 First Nations have declared a ban on tar sands pipelines & tankers in their territories. Seven First Nations have launched expensive court cases to protect their lands and waters. As farmers, we share a love of the earth, a dependence on land and water, and a concern for how pipelines and oil tankers will affect indigenous lands. Together we can show solidarity and offer financial support.

So what if we helped celebrate that terrible day with a groundswell of grassroots fundraising events that together raised big money for First Nations to stop it in the courts?Join Pull Together for the “Week to End Enbridge” this June 13-21 as we raise another $250,000 for First Nations legal defence funds to stop it. Eat! Paddle! Dance!

HOW? Choose a way your farm can donate and raise awareness. Send your donations to the Pull Together campaign by August 31st, 2015. Join the roster of farmers on the Pull Together Farmer Profile page.

Communities have organized events ranging from music shows, film screenings and dinners, to pancake breakfasts, bake sales, and paddles. Over 60 buisnesses have signed on to donate a portion of their proceeds to the legal challenges – from bakeries and coffee shops to yoga studios and tourism outfitters. Hard working farmers, like Saanich Organics, Duck Creek Farms, Mother Felker Farms, and Metchosin Sea Bluff Farms have also stepped up to generously offer a portion of proceeds from the season and stand in solidarity with the First Nations to protect the lands and waters that nourish and sustain all of us.

In the words of Marilyn Slett, elected chief of the Heiltsuk Nation: “We’re a small community, we’re doing what we can to stop this project. We don’t have the resources that big corporations do, or the government has, so every little bit helps. We’re just so grateful for people helping. Every dollar that’s raised will help our communities and help our people take this stand.”

This June 13-21 we hope you’ll join us for the first (and hopefully last) Week to End Enbridge. Together we can stop this pipeline and tankers, and build a future we can all be proud of. Who knew stopping a pipeline could be so delicious?!
For more information or to get involved: If you’d like to organize a community event or know of a donate a portion of proceeds for a day, weekend or week to the campaign, please contact ​

This post was written by the Young Agrarian Society and originally posted on May 22nd, 2015: