“I hate change.” Hanne and I are wheeling back from the compost bin just before lunch.
“I LOVE change!” Hanne exclaims. Sometimes I wish that I, too, had a slightly stronger predilection for change and transition.
I remember this brief conversation that we had a few weeks back, with a smile and touch of nostalgia.
Harvest News
Remember those rainbow carrots we’d been waiting on? The first harvest of those guys happened last week! Sadly, it was also the week that school started, so I missed that glorious harvest day. But the important thing is… RAINBOW CARROTS!
This week, we harvested some pretty handsome komatsuna, green onions, and a big batch of beautiful beets! Amongst other fresh goodness.
Heart in my hands
Well, school has officially started, and that means that I’ll be at the farms less.