by ops | Jul 28, 2021 | Experiential Learning, Stories from the Field
By Kat Vriesema-Magnuson, Experiential Learning Manager As I write this, EL Lead Andrea (aka Snap) is leading a wormshop for our EcoWonders campers. What’s a wormshop, you ask? Well, It’s a workshop… about worms! Red Wriggler worms, in this case, which are about...
by ops | Jul 27, 2021 | Norquay Field House
Reflections from the Sharing Garden The signs in the Norquay Park Sharing Garden are up! As I mentioned in the last update, we’re so excited to see folks from around the neighbourhood take part in the humble harvest that our small garden in the middle of the...
by Caroline Manuel | Jul 23, 2021 | Press
Enjoy Fresh Roots’ summer fundraising dinner on August 19 in your own backyard Vancouver B.C., July 22, 2021—Growing schoolyard farms while growing community. Expanding on last year’s at-home fundraising event, Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society announces that this...
by Fresh Roots | Jul 3, 2021 | Experiential Learning, Stories from the Field
By Andrea Lucy, Experiential Learning Program Lead I’ve been a big kid at Fresh Roots’ field trips this year. While my role with Fresh Roots is teaching students visiting our farms for field trips, the students have wowed and amazed me with what they...
by ops | Jul 2, 2021 | Farmer's Log, Stories from the Field
July 1st. Wait, what? It’s J U L Y ? It’s July and the kale has exploded along with the weeds. I’m so thankful for our hard-working team (not just the farm workers!) and the handful of volunteers who have joined us in liberating our crops from the overwhelm of hungry,...