By Jaimie Rosenwirth, Suwa’lkh Lead
During the summer the SOYL participants worked on making some field guides for their legacy projects. In their crews they worked on making 3 different field guides. They were for the farm, orchard and forest. We also had a work experience student create a catalog for the native plant nursery.
Over the 6 weeks of the program the youth were looking for weeds, native plants and invasive species to learn about and document those learnings into field guides that we can share with others who may be interested to learn more about our spaces.
While I was working from home with a badly sprained ankle they did amazing at completing these projects with very little instruction from me. I was very impressed with the work that they were able to complete in just a few weeks.
Thank you SOYL Suwa’lkh youth for your awesome work. We’re excited to share their Suwa’lkh farm and Healing Forest field guides for the community to use next time you stop by – check it out below:
Suwa’lkh Healing Forest Field Guide
Suwa’lkh Schoolyard Farm Field Guide
Suwa’lkh Orchard Field Guide – coming soon!