
We Need New Farm Truck

Help us fundraise $25,000 to purchase a new farm truck before the growing season kicks off on May 1st!

So what happened to the truck?

For those just tuning into the truck saga, the beloved Fresh Roots farm truck went missing in September 2023.

After tapping into the power of social media and community, the truck was found in Mission and officially deemed by Abbotsford Police as having been stolen. The truck was written off, and we had to say goodbye to our trusty steed who served our community faithfully for over a decade.

Not ideal, but with the support of our amazing donors (like you!), we will persevere.

Will you join us with a donation to help us purchase a new truck?

Our goal is to raise $25,000 by May 1st.

Link to Donate

How can I help?

  1. Make a one-time or monthly donation to Fresh Roots

  2. Spread the word by sharing this fundraiser

  3. Start your own community fundraiser

The truck is a critical link in our farming operations that connects our community and youth to food and opportunities to grow on our schoolyard farms, so we invite you to join our fundraising efforts.

Thank You!

A farm truck is a crucial part of our schoolyard farms that holds a legacy to serve our community for many seasons to come.

Thank you for your generosity.

We are a charitable organization and are happy to issue you a tax receipt for your donation of $10 or more. If you would like to donate via e-transfer funds can be emailed to or join our Taproot Network our special group of monthly sustaining donors providing foundational and ongoing support. Our charitable number is 844249680RR0001. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing


Looking to Volunteer? Join Our Big Help on April 16th!

IN TWO WEEKS! We’re urgently looking for volunteers to help us kick off the growing season in our first Big Help volunteer party of 2024:

Date: Tuesday, April 16th

Drop-in Times: 4-6pm

Location: David Thompson schoolyard farm

(1755 East 55th Ave – at the intersection of 55th Ave and Argle St)

More upcoming Big Help dates & general info on our website:

We need a minimum of 3 sign ups, so invite your friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers to work together with other community members to support kids and youth on schoolyard farms!