
Eager for April flowers, May showers and sunny June hours? We’re celebrating the coming of spring by introducing a new line-up of outdoor, hands-on field trips, along with bringing back some tried-and-true favourites. All of our field trips include the chance to participate in the work of our small-scale, sustainable farm, taste the foods we grow, and dig deep into learning activities. This season, we’re learning about the small beings that make a big impact in sustainable farming!

MicroFarm (Grades K-1)

Micro plants. Micro flowers. Micro bugs. Micro students? There are so many tiny things to see on the farm! We’ll practice using magnifying glasses and getting close to see how little things on the farm have a big impact, and practice caring for the smallest members of our living world.

Connections to the science, social studies, and physical and health education curriculum.

Bee Sense (Grades 4-5)

Can you see ultraviolet light? Can you sniff out flowers from afar? Do you communicate with family members through dance? If so, you must be a bee! Join us in celebrating how bees’ senses help pollinate many of the crops we depend on for food.

Connections to the science, career, and physical and health education curriculum.


21st Century Farming (Grades 10-12)

Climate change and biodiversity loss are major threats to our food system, and unjust labour practices in the food sector contribute to poverty and oppression in our communities, but there is a way forward! See how regenerative agriculture and projects like Fresh Roots can improve the food system by supporting both the ecosystem we are part of and the people who grow our food, and help build a truly sustainable food system!

Connections to the science, social studies, ADST, and physical and health education curriculum.


Learn with Us

Our Experiential Learning programs help students connect to food, the land, and each other through hands-on farm experiences. Our curriculum-aligned field trips help students and teachers connect classroom learning to the real world. Discounts are available for VSB schools!

Sign up for a Vancouver Farm Field Trip


Volunteer with Us

Do you love working with kids and want to help them grow on the farms? Whether you’re looking to gain experience or put your years of wisdom to good use, our Experiential Learning Team would love to have you! More information is on our Volunteer page


Photo Attribution
Photo to the left of “Bee Sense”  is a derivative of “Crocosmia sp. (Montbretia) flowers Vis-UV-IR comparison” by David Kennard is licensed under CC BY 3.0. 


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