by ops | Oct 5, 2021 | Farmer's Log, Stories from the Field
Welcome to the final month of operation for the 2021 Fresh Roots Farm Season. This month we are undertaking lots of soil TLC so we have a nice, healthy biome in the spring, ready for our seeds and transplants. The only thing we actually plant this late in the season...
by ops | Sep 2, 2021 | Farmer's Log, Stories from the Field
Technically the title of this report is wrong. Sept 1 is not a seed-date this month, and there won’t be any more seed-dates for 2021. All our seeds and transplants are in the ground, fully germinated, and fate has been determined– sort of. The intended fate for...
by ops | Jun 2, 2021 | Farmer's Log, Stories from the Field
Nuts and Bolting The nuts of farming, to me, translate to the “awe, nuts!” moments – like when you arrive one morning to your lovingly hand-reared broccoli transplants and find that they have all bolted prematurely. Riding the waves this spring – whether...
by Caroline Manuel | May 4, 2021 | Farmer's Log
A week into April I found myself completely transitioned from working behind a screen to my hands covered in compost, unable to check my messages. It’s awesome. This is why I farm. I love being outside, covered in dirt, with wet, matted hair. Thank Manure it’s finally...
by SOYL Youth | Sep 18, 2015 | Stories from the Field
“I hate change.” Hanne and I are wheeling back from the compost bin just before lunch. “I LOVE change!” Hanne exclaims. Sometimes I wish that I, too, had a slightly stronger predilection for change and transition. I remember this brief...