Fresh Roots loves to support teachers in incorporating hands-on learning about food and the human and ecological systems that make our food possible. Read on for more information about teacher Pro-D, farm programs, and learning resources from us and our community partners!

Farm Programs
Learn alongside your students on our Van Tech, David Thompson, and Millside sites.
David Thompson, Van Tech, or Millside teacher? Click here to learn more about free Field Classes!
Teachers from other schools, check out our field trips in Vancouver or Coquitlam!
Teacher Pro-D
Bring Fresh Roots’ Director of Experiential Learning to your Pro-D session! We love sharing what we know with educators and supporting them in extending their classroom into their schoolyard, garden, and beyond. All ProD workshops will include a brief introduction to Fresh Roots and hands-on activities with lesson plans. ProD workshops can be held at your location, or you can come to one of our farms. Costs start at $200 for a 1 hour workshop for up to 30 participants. Total cost will depend on the length of the program, travel costs (if more than 25km from our office), and materials costs (for art or vermicomposting workshops).
More Pro-D details
We can work with you to create a ProD session that meets your needs within our scope of food systems education. Some of our favorite topics include:
- Nature is Everywhere: Connecting to Your Place (all levels)
- Observing Cycles and Seasons (primary grades)
- Get Creative: Exploring New Foods through Art (primary grades)
- Garden Visioning: Finding the Why of Your School Garden (intermediate and secondary grades)
- Regenerative Agriculture: Why how we farm matters (secondary grades)
ProD workshops are available from November through March, and can be scheduled on your ProD day or after school. For district ProD days, priority will go to VSB and SD43 events. Please email to enquire!

Fresh Roots Learning Resources
You can bring Fresh Roots to your classroom, backyard, or kitchen with our downloadable Learning Resources. Select the button below to share your name and email, and you’ll get access to our collection of lesson plans, field guides, recipes, and more. Plus you’ll get our monthly newsletter and occasional emails about our educational programs (you can unsubscribe any time).
Community Partner Resources
We are part of a community of educators, farmers, and others working to connect kids and youth to their food system! Below are some awesome resources from our networks.

Community Food Centres Canada
Fresh Roots is one of CFC Canada’s Good Food Organizations, working toward just food systems for all. In addition to hosting a list of other amazing orgs doing this work, they are also a resource for nation-wide news, advocacy, and reporting about food insecurity in Canada.
Environmental Youth Alliance
EYA offers field trips, youth programs, and a Native Plant give away each spring! Many of their plant babies are growing strong in our Van Tech Indigenous Plant Garden.
Farm to School BC
Farm to School BC offers webinars, teacher resources, grants, and an amazing School Garden Mentorship programs for BC K-12 teachers. This is a great place to start if you’re thinking of building a school garden!
Food Share Toronto
Food Share Toronto started the Great Big Crunch to highlight the need for healthy food in schools. Be sure to check out all their awesome GBC-related lesson plans, and join us for the Crunch!
Growing Chefs!
If you’d love to do more cooking and food education in your classroom, Growing Chefs! is the place to look. Growing Chefs also runs the amazing LunchLab school food program, which we co-created with them.
Science World
Science World has tons of lesson and activity plans on everything from seeds to pollinators to decomposers. We have adapted many of their activities for our camps and field trips!
SPEC offers school garden consultations, as well as nature-focused learning through their Neighbourhood Nature School.
Take Me Outside
Take Me Outside wants to get your kids learning and playing outside! They host fabulous, free virtual workshops for educators, have a large collection of resources, and are some of the folks behind the excellent Outdoor Learning Store.
Vancouver Coastal Health
We support a body- and food-neutral approach to discussions of healthy eating, while encouraging kids and youth to eat a wide variety and to try new foods, especially the farm fresh veggies we grow! Vancouver Coastal Health has excellent resources for how to approach nutrition and food education in the classroom or in your kitchen in a way that supports all bodies.