Our first day of official gardening started off right and sunny at David Thompson. (◕‿◕✿ We got to get our hands dirty right away by pulling some very enormous heads of garlic. They were so big they almost looked like onions.

Weighing garlic

Curing garlic
After that, we broke off into teams and assessed what needed to be done right away in each garden bed. For some, we did weeding, pruning, or planting. Once each garden bed was cleaned up, we got to put our transplanting skills to the test.ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

More Transplanting
There was corn, kale, Brussels sprouts, and even a few beans. Each of us got to pick a special plant that we will plant over the summer and created our master gardening list. This included dragon carrots, kale, chard, kohlrabi, spinach, Pak Choi, Hakurei Turnip, broccoli, onions, scallions, and cilantro. To top it off, we got to taste the veggie of the week prepared in a radish salsa that was extremely delicious! Over all it was a wonderful and productive first day at David Thompson to kick off the program. (●´ω`●)

Our Fabulous Group Photo