The Great Big Crunch: Making Noise for Healthy School Food!

Mar 6, 2020

The Great Big Crunch:
Making Noise for Healthy School Food!

For Immediate Release
March 3, 2020

Vancouver, BC– The Great Big Crunch is a national movement and annual moment of anti-silence in which students, teachers, parents and others passionate about food join the food movement and crunch into apples (or other crunchy fruit or vegetable) to make noise for healthy school food! Every year since 2008, Canadians from coast to coast to coast have participated in the Great Big Crunch, an initiative of FoodShare Toronto. Schools from across the country are coming up with exciting plans to make this year the loudest yet.

This year, with growing momentum for a National School Food Program and in alignment with the Nourish Kids Now campaign, 2020’s Great Big Crunch is an event not to be missed! Students, teachers, and advocates for healthy school food across the country will be crunching down on March 12th, though schools are invited to participate anytime in March. This is also a great way for schools to celebrate Nutrition Month.

“My class had a great time learning about the lifecycle of an apple, conducting apple experiments, and of course, crunching into some delicious apples to celebrate healthy food for every student!” Kaitlin Flemons, Grade 3 Teacher, Gilmore Community School, Burnaby, BC.

“This event is not only a fun way to celebrate local fruits and vegetables, but also an opportunity to show provincial and federal governments how excited students, teachers and school communities are about healthy food at school” Samantha Gambling, Project Coordinator, BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food (BC-CHSF)

The Great Big Crunch is an initiative supported by the Coalition for Healthy School Food. The coalition is made up of over 120 organizations across Canada, including FoodShare Toronto, and is advocating for public investment in a universal, cost-shared, healthy national school food program that ensures all Canadian students have access to healthy food at school every day.

Local BC partners supporting to get the word out about the Great Big Crunch
2020 are Fresh Roots the BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food,Kalum Community School Society (Terrace) and BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation

Follow along on social media #NourishKidsNow #GreatBigCrunch!

For more information about the Great Big Crunch Crunch, visit