Spread the Love – Our First-Ever Monthly Donor Campaign!

Feb 14, 2022

We are excited to announce our first-ever monthly donor campaign – Spread the Love – and a brand new name for the very special group of donors that provide sustainable and consistent funds to support kids & youth and help us better plan for the future while reducing our administration expenses introducing The Taproot Network.

What is a Taproot?

Definition: tap·​root | \ ˈtap-ˌrüt, -ˌru̇t \: a primary root that grows vertically downward and gives off small lateral roots. Eg: carrots, beets, and potatoes.

  • ROOT our Good Food programs as an ongoing donor
  • TAP into monthly donor benefits
  • GROW with our schoolyard farms as you invest in kids & youth

Become a monthly donor or increase your monthly donation by March 15th and receive:

  •  A  Fresh Roots Cookbook
  • Calendula seeds harvested and package by youth
  • Access to 2 events each year
  • A chance to win 1 of 2 prize packs filled with goodies from our generous sponsors.

Persephone Brewing / Not Too Sweet Drinks / Glenburn Soda Fountain / Plenty + Spare / Iron Dog Books / Callister Craft Soda

Monthly giving is an easy way to make a big impact! For as little as $5/month you will provide us with reliable income to purchase items like seeds and compost for the schoolyard farms and help us plan and deliver programs throughout the year.

Help us keep the food growing and young people connecting to the land and themselves through hands-on learning on schoolyard farms right in their own communities.

Here’s what some of our monthly donors are saying:

“When I visited the first Fresh Roots schoolyard farm in 2015 I was blown away by the experiential learning opportunities. It’s such a great complement to classroom learning. I’ve been a donor ever since!”  Peter Blitz, Monthly Donor since 2018

I grew up on a farm growing our own food – I loved how fresh it was, how magical that I could walk out the door and find lunch! These were foundational memories for me to also appreciate the time and effort that goes into growing our food. I support Fresh Roots on a monthly basis as I want as many young people as possible to grow up with a connection to their food, and the joy and satisfaction of tasting how their hard work pays off!” Allison Boulton, Monthly Donor since 2018

“Fresh Roots resonates with us because it connects young people to the outside and helps them learn about seeds and the plant growth cycle, and promotes moving their bodies and learning good mechanical habits. They foster community building, person-to-person cooperation, sharing ideas, having fun, and sharing the results of their hard work with other communities that may not always enjoy food security that we all should be entitled to.” Elizabeth Black & Ken MacLeod, Monthly Donor since 2021

Click here to become part of the Taproot Network!