Fresh Roots fundraising dinner down to the wire, Nuba turns 20, Absolut embraces a distinctly-Vancouver form of AI

Jun 26, 2023

Fresh Roots fundraising dinner down to the wire, Nuba turns 20, Absolut embraces a distinctly-Vancouver form of AI

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  • Scenes from a Schoolyard Harvest Longtable Dinner.ANDREA FERNANDEZ.

You know those saying about how truly great people don’t put themselves first, but instead think of others/ We don’t either, which doesn’t mean there’s not at least a kernel of truth to that.

Harvest Dinner needs saviours

Think of it as a chance to not only enjoy hyper-local dining in the great (urban) outdoors, but also to make an instant difference in the lives of kids.

Pre-pandemic, the Schoolyard Harvest Longtable Dinner was one of the calendar year’s hot tickets, selling out almost instantly. Run by the Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society, the event traditionally starts with a cocktail hour and then includes a multi-course dinner. This year, July 6, meals will be prepared by chefs including Organic Ocean Seafood’s Julian Bond, Ono Vancouver’s TJ Conwi, and Governor General’s Award winner Robert Clark.

The longtable dinner takes place at David Thompson Secondary School, with ingredients from Fresh Roots’ schoolyard food program and community partners. (For those unclear what Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society is, the mandate is to empower young folk to connect with both community and the food they eat. The gardens here are at David Thompson.) Dinner is $250 per ticket for adults, includes a tour of the onsite gardens as well as live music.

Where do you come in for all of this? The Schoolyard Harvest Longtable Dinner is hoping to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. But the event has been MIA for the past three years due to the pandemic. Being out of the public eye isn’t always the best thing, and 2023 ticket sales need to pick up for things to go ahead as planned. So, if you want to do something good this weekend…..

Schoolyard Harvest Longtable Dinner

When: July 6

Where: David Thompson Secondary School

Tickets: $250 per adult here for a good cause.

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