Fresh Roots presents FIRST WE EAT

Nov 25, 2020

It’s Giving Tuesday next week. What is Giving Tuesday you ask? It is a global movement for giving and volunteering, which takes place each year after Black Friday the “opening day for the giving season” when charities, companies, and individuals join together and rally for their favourite causes.

At Fresh Roots we want to turn Giving Tuesday upside down and give a little something back to you, in addition to supporting a fantastic film and one of our cherished local theatres when they need it most. 

 Join Fresh Roots (from the comfort of your own home) for an online screening and Q & A of FIRST WE EAT, a film that documents what happens when an ordinary family, living just south of the Arctic Circle, bans all grocery store food from their house for one year.

Click the image below to watch the trailer.

Movie screening: now through December 5th via VIFF Connect aka Vancity Theatre

Q & A: Tuesday, December 1, 7:30PM-8:30PM PST


Learn more at:

How to watch:

  • Register through Eventbrite HERE 
  • We will send you an email with the promo code for $2 off the ticket price and the link to purchase your ticket from the VIFF Connect aka Vancity Theatre website (this will be done manually so please leave up to 12 hours to receive the code outside of regular business hours!)
  • The film will be available to watch any time between now and Dec 5th. If you are able, it would be great to watch the film before  joining in on the conversation Dec 1 at 7:30PM PST

How to join the Q & A:

  • Register through Eventbrite HERE
  • Watch for an email from Fresh Roots on Sunday, Nov, 29 which will contain a ZOOM link for the Tuesday, Dec. 1st Q & A from 7:30 PM-8:30 PM PST with FIRST WE EAT filmmaker Suzanne Crocker co-hosted by Fresh Roots fall staff Nicole and Kristen
  • Let Fresh Roots know what you think of FIRST WE EAT. Tag us: @freshrootsfarms on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

This event is sponsored by Fresh Roots. Only 100 promo codes for the film are available.

We look forward to having you join us!

If you would like to support Fresh Roots and the work we do please visit our donation page to learn more